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 Vacant student positions in Genomics, Evolutionary Genomics and Bioinformatics

Open now!


We have broad interests in biology, including and not limited to:

1. Characterization of plant Imprintome and the computational prediciton of imprinted genes

2. Network-base analysis of imprinting genes across species

3. Adapative volution of genes at the alternative splicing level

4. Statistical genetic models for Convergent Evolution

5. Test of EAC model at genome-wide scale 

6. Text mining

7. Noise management and ultilization in cell.

8. 3D structure of chromose and its regulatory effect on gene activity

9. Evolutionary dynamics of karyotype and the predictive model


As of summer 2018 we plan to have openings for:

1. A PhD student in systems biology

with focus on

1) the question of the noise propogation and management in cell;

2) exploring the relationship of the 3D structure of chromosome and gene activities;

3) epigenetics...


2. Two master's students


Essential qualifications are:

  • BSc degree in biology, mathematics, computer sciences or physics and research experience in a biological area.

  • Basic skills in statistics and programming are required.

  • Motivation and proven ability to carry out research independently.

  • Good communication skills, good knowledge and command of English.



1 vacant faculty position in bioinformatics or related  is open now!


We always welcome and are actively recruiting talented and highly moltivated young scientists to join our lab.


        本实验室正招聘达到西北农林科技大学副教授及以上职位水平的年轻科学家(30岁左右 博士)加入本研究团队,有意者请联系。



Interested candidates should send applications to yang_ruolin [at] as pdf attachment (max. 2 pages) detailing in order latest first:education, special relevant skills, achievements and a short specific statement of research interest.

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